Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Circlelord Lily Giant Template

Lily Giant template Section
Lily Quilt by Caroline Berch
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Lily Pattern Pathways
It is recommended to color the grooves with colored pencils

Click on Pictures to Enlarge and then Print

The Giant Lily Template is a modified Sachiko design called Asanoha (Hokusai's Version), meaning Hemp Leaf. It is called "Joseph's Coat when pieced. I have named it Lily. It is like a field of Lilies.
The pattern is continuously quilted along 8 rows of Clam shells, as can be seen above. It has a starter line (black scallops) at the bottom.The template is 13 inches high, but the pattern is 11 inches, so that it can be used on mid-arm machines as well.

Additional Border Patterns
Swag Patterns 5.3 inches high by 11 inches wide
Top and bottom on template - no turning

Queen -2 sections------- 84" ---
Queen +1/2-------------105" --
King-- 3 sections--------126" --
Circlelord stylus for the back of the machine - any machine- $69.00